Santa Barbara, California
Ben Olivo, PT, DPT TPS
Hi! I am Ben Olivo, board- certified physical therapist and chronic pain specialist. When I first entered the field of physical therapy in 2013 as a new grad, I was excited and I felt ready to help everyone who walked in through the front door. Soon afterwards I realized the tools I had learned were not enough to help those who suffered from chronic pain. I knew there was a missing link. Why did some people end up in chronic pain and others not? What was going on here?
I decided to jump all in and in 2019 I received my Therapeutic Pain Specialist Certification. I researched and explored multiple outlets including the work by Dr John Sarno, Dr. Rachel Zoffness, and Dr Howard Schubiner. Through this research I learned there were many different ways to address chronic pain. The latest neuroscience research demonstrates how chronic pain develops and why it continues to be an issue. The missing piece is that the mind is not separate from the body. If you can help the mind, you can relax the the nervous system which will help your body to heal. I can show you how to achieve this by working together on the mind-body connection.